June 21 - 23rd, 2022 : 11th Meeting of the Regional Steering Committee (RSC11) of the GF-TADs for Africa, Nairobi, Kenya
May 16, 23 - 26th, 2022 : 89th General Session of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Paris, France.
May 13, 2022 : FEI Group IX 22nd Annual Regional Hybrid Meeting. Naivasha, Kenya
April 21, 2022 : « Chicken health improvement through One-Health Initiative » workshop. Celebration of 125 years of Ethiopian – French cooperation. University of Toulouse, ENSV – FVI, Lyon and Embassy of France to Ethiopia and the College of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture, Addis Ababa University. Debre-Zeit, Ethiopia.
March 29 – 31st, 2022 : 4th GF-TADs Eastern Africa Roadmap meeting (RMM IV) for foot-and-mouth disease (FMD)
March 23 – 24th, 2022 : Inaugural Meeting of the Standing Group of Experts for African Swine Fever (SGE ASF) of the GF-TADs for Africa
March 3rd, 2022 : OIE Webinar for World Wildlife Day, 3rd March 2022 “Global wildlife health”.World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).
February 16 – 17th, 2022 : Public-private partnerships for Progressive Control of foot-and-mouth disease in endemic settings (GFRA and EuFMD)
January 12 and 19th, 2022 : ZOETIS / A.L.P.H.A Webinars on Public-Private Partnerships in the Veterinary Domain, facilitated by the OIE
December 1 – 3rd, 2021 : Steering Committee of the SEGA "One Health" project Indian Ocean. St Denis, Reunion Island
October 6 – 8th, 2021 : 10th Meeting of the Regional Steering Committee (RSC10) of the GF-TADs for Africa
September 29th, 2021 : Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) stakeholders virtual meeting TAHSSL (ILRI, ClinGlobal, GALVmed)
July 6 – 7th, 2021 : Inter-Regional Webinar (Africa – Middle East). Rift Valley Fever: Scientific Advances in Surveillance, Risk Mitigation and Control.
June 29 - July 3rd, 2021 : First African Small Companion Animal Congress (AFSCAN) Hosted by TheWebinarVet, UK.
June 21 - 28th, 2021 : Stop ASF Public Private Partnering for Success (GF-TADs). Hosted by the OIE in Paris, France.
May 24 - 28th, 2021 : 88th General Session of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Hosted by the OIE in Paris, France.
April 21 - 22nd, 2021 : Regional meeting "Rift Valley Fever In Eastern Africa: Linking Technology And Standards To Safeguard Trade And Livelihoods". FAO & OIE. Hosted by the FAO-ECTAD, Kenya
February 9 - 11th, 2021 : 24th Conference of the OIE Regional Commission for Africa. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Hosted by South Africa.
January 27th, 2021 : African Small Companion Animal Network (AFSCAN) Ambassadors' meeting, hosted by the OIE in Nairobi, Kenya.
December 8 – 17th , 2020 : EuFMD Open Session special edition (OS20se) Livelihoods at risk in a FASTer world.FAO, Rome, Italy
November 20th , 2020 : Celebration of 50 years of the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) “Insects for Life”. Kasarani, Nairobi, Kenya.
November 3 – 4th and December 17th 2020 : 11th Global Steering Committee Global Framework for the progressive control of Transboundary Animal Diseases (GF-TADs). FAO, Rome, Italy.
October 26 – November 3rd , 2020 : Scientific Days and Programme Steering Committee of the One Health – Indian Ocean network (DP OH OI) CIRAD St Denis, Réunion Island, France.
October 22nd , 2020 : Launch of the One Health Research Education and Outreach Centre in Africa (OHRECA) ILRI, Kabete, Kenya
September 23 – 24th , 2020 : OIE World Rabies Day Webinar (Africa) 2020. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)Nairobi, Kenya.
September 7 – 9th , 2020 : Africa Animal Welfare Conference (ANAW, UNEP). Nairobi, Kenya.
September 2 – 3rd , 2020 : Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock (GASL) Online Multi-Stakeholder Platform Regional Preparatory Meeting on COVID-19 and Livestock : Africa 1 (English language) ILRI, Kabete, Kenya
May 19 – 21st , 2020 : Workshop for Sustainable Livestock Champions “From Evidence to Actions: How can we use evidence to better inform investment and policy priorities for the livestock sector” ILRI, Kabete, Kenya.
April 8 – 9th , 2020 : OIE Public – Private Partnerships (PPP) expert consultation on PPP 2.0. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Paris, France.
October 9 - 11th, 2019 : OIE Regional training seminar for OIE focal points for veterinary products in Africa (French Speaking). OIE-RR Africa. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) Lomé, Togo
July 24 - 26th, 2019 : OIE North Africa Regional meeting on dogmediated rabies elimination: towards effective regional and national elimination strategies. OIE-SRR North Africa. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) Tunis, Tunisia
July 9 - 11th, 2019 : OIE Regional training seminar for OIE focal points for veterinary products in Africa (English Speaking). OIE-SRR Eastern Africa. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
May 25 - 31st, 2019 : 87th General Session of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Paris, France.
April 11 - 12th, 2019 : 2nd OIE Animal Welfare Forum “Animal transport: a shared responsibility” . World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Paris, France.
April 2 - 4th, 2019 : 4th OIE Global Conference on Aquatic Animal Health : collaboration, sustainability : our future. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Hotel Crowne Plaza, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
February 25 - March 1st, 2019 : 23rd Conference of the OIE Regional Commission for Africa. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Hammamet, Tunisia
February 5 - 7th, 2019 : 6th Scientific Symposium of the One Health – Indian Ocean Partnership (CIRAD). Beauséjour, La Réunion island.
December 4 - 6th, 2018 : OIE Regional training seminar for OIE focal points for aquatic animal diseases in Africa. OIE-SRR Eastern Africa. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), New Africa Hotel, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
November 5 - 7th, 2018 : Stakeholders' validation forum for the Animal Health Strategy for Africa (AU-IBAR) Kigali, Rwanda
October 9 - 11th, 2018 : Expert Consultation Meeting on Guidelines for Public - Private Partnerships (PPP) in Veterinary Services. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Paris, France.
October 1st, 2018 : Strengthening the operationalisation of One Health in East Africa. Chatham House and Africa CDC. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
September 25th, 2018 : Expert Consultation on Evaluation of collaborations taking place in a One Health surveillance system. (CIRAD) Hanoi, Vietnam and Montpellier, France.
September 6 - 7th, 2018 : FAO - OIE Global Conference on Investing and Partnering for a PPR free World (European Commission), Brussels, Belgium.
May 20 - 25th, 2018 : 86th General Session of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Paris, France.
May 15 - 17th, 2018 : One Health Workshop - The State of Implementation and Identification of Innovative One Health Pilot Initiatives (AU-IBAR) Nairobi, Kenya
May 8 - 10th, 2018 : Consultative forum on an Animal Health Strategy for Africa (AU-IBAR) Nairobi, Kenya
April 30th, 2018 : IGAD Centre for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development (ICPALD) Regional Consultation on animal welfare (IGAD) Naivasha, Kenya
April 27th, 2018 : Inaugural animal welfare coordination meeting under the African Platform for Animal Welfare (APAW) AU-IBAR. Nairobi, Kenya
March 21 - 23rd, 2018 : Regional Workshop on implementation of OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Standards (English-speaking Africa) OIE Standards – Facilitating Safe International Trade. Nairobi, Kenya
February 27 - 28th, 2018 : Technical Workshop “Participatory One Health disease detection in Africa and beyond” Chatham House, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
February 6th, 2018 : Launch of the “One Health Regional Network in the Horn of Africa” (HORN) project (hosted by ILRI) Nairobi, Kenya
December 6 - 8th, 2017 : OIE Regional training seminar for OIE focal points for veterinary products in Africa (English Speaking). OIE-SRR Southern Africa. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Ezulwini, Swaziland
November 27th, 2017 : 3rd African Small Companion Animal Network (AFSCAN) Ambassadors' meeting, Kampala, Uganda
October 31 – November 2nd, 2017 : 2nd OIE Global Conference on Biological Threat Reduction : "Enhancing Health and Security for All". World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Ottawa, Canada.
September 11 - 15th, 2017 : 2nd Sub-Regional Pan-African Rabies Control Network (PARACON) meeting 2017. Johannesburg, South Africa.
July 26 - 28th, 2017 : High-level closing meeting of the Strengthening Veterinary Governance in Africa (VETGOV) Programme. African Union Commission. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
July 24 - 25th, 2017 : Launch of the African Platform for Animal Welfare (APAW) and the Africa Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS). African Union Commission. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
July 3 - 7th, 2016 : Regional training seminar on Regional Harmonisation of Legislation in the Veterinary Domain within the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA). With the support of the OIE-SRR Eastern Africa. Lusaka, Zambia.
June 26 - July 2nd, 2017 : World Aquaculture Society annual congress (WAS 2017) and Aquaculture Biosecurity Special Session and Training Workshop (side event). Cape Town, South Africa.
June 20 - 20st, 2016 : Sixth meeting of Deans of Schools and Faculties of Veterinary Medicine or Sciences in Eastern and Southern Africa. With the support of the OIE-SRR Eastern Africa. Lusaka, Zambia.
June 12 - 14th, 2017 : Global Animal Health Workshop 2017 - Good Regulatory Practice for the Marketing Authorisation of Veterinary Products in an African Context (Health for Animals). Nairobi, Kenya
May 21 - 26th, 2017 : 85th General Session of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Paris, France.
May 9 - 11th, 2017 : GALVmed / OIE Stakeholder Workshop on harmonisation of Registration Requirements for Veterinary Medicinal Products in te SADC Region. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Johannesburg, South Africa.
February 20 - 24th, 2017 : 22nd Conference of the OIE Regional Commission for Africa. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Swakopmund, Namibia
February 7 - 9th, 2017 : 1st Meeting of the Directors of Rabies Control Programmes in East Africa : "Regional canine rabies elimination : prototype for strengthening intersectoral engagement and global health security agenda" (GARC, CDC). Nairobi, Kenya
December 6 - 8th, 2016. 4th OIE Global Conference on Animal Welfare. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Guadalajara, Mexico.
November 29 - December 1st, 2016 : OIE Regional training seminar for OIE focal points for veterinary laboratories in Africa. OIE-SRR Southern Africa. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Harare, Zimbabwe.
November 22 - 24th, 2016 : OIE Regional training seminar for OIE focal points for wildlife in Africa and the Middle East (English Speaking). OIE-SRR Eastern Africa. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Lake Nakuru National Park, Nakuru, Kenya
November 15 - 16th, 2016 : Regional Meeting of the Technical Experts Committee (TEC) and the Control and Eradication Coordination Committee (CECC) for the IGAD Regional peste des petits ruminants (PPR) Progressive Control and Eradication Strategy. ICPALD / IGAD. Naivasha, Kenya
November 7 - 11th, 2016 : National WTO seminar on the Agreement on sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures (SPS). Moroni, Comoros
November 1 - 3rd, 2016 : OIE Regional training seminar for OIE focal points for animal disease notifications (WAHIS) in Africa and the Middle East (English Speaking). OIE-SRR Eastern Africa. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt
October 11th, 2016 : Government of Kenya (GoK) AMR policy briefing meeting, supported by FAO. Nairobi, Kenya
October 4 - 7th, 2016 : 7th Eastern Africa Regional Animal Health Network (RAHN) meeting. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
September 27 - 29rd, 2016 : OIE Regional training seminar for OIE focal points for veterinary communication in Africa (English Speaking). OIE-SRR Eastern Africa. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Bamburi Beach, Mombasa, Kenya
September 14th, 2016 : Workshop on how to sustain the SEGA One Health network (Surveillance Epidémiologique et Gestion des Alertes) of the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC). Ebène (Port Louis) Mauritius
August 31st, 2016 : World Customs Organisation (WCO) operational workshop in preparation for “Operation ACIM” : Action against Counterfeit and Illicit Medicines. Shanzu, Mombasa, Kenya.
August 11 - 12th, 2016 : Fifth meeting of Deans of Schools and Faculties of Veterinary Medicine or Sciences in Eastern and Southern Africa. With the support of the OIE-SRR Southern Africa. Maputo, Mozambique.
August 8 - 10th, 2016 : Regional training seminar on Regional Harmonisation of Legislation in the Veterinary Domain within the East African Community (EAC). With the support of the OIE-SRR Eastern Africa. Arusha, Tanzania
August 5th, 2016 : Launch of the inter-ministerial National Rabies Elimination Coordination Committee (NRECC), tasked with implementing the 2014 National Strategic Plan for the Elimination of Human Rabies in Kenya (2014 – 2030), Nairobi, Kenya.
May 22 - 27th, 2016 : 84th General Session of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Paris, France.
April 6 - 7th, 2016 : African Union Review and Assistance Conference on the implementation of
UN Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004) in Africa. African Union Commission, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
March 21 - 24th, 2016 : WHO Epidemiology and Laboratory training on isolation, antibiotic susceptibility testing, molecular characterisation of AMR and ESBL producing food borne pathogens (Salmonella spp and E. coli). KEMRI, Nairobi, Kenya
December 1 - 3rd, 2015 : OIE Regional training seminar for OIE focal points for veterinary products in Africa and the Middle East (English Speaking). OIE-SRR Eastern Africa. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Entebbe, Uganda
October 13 - 15th, 2015 : First OIE - AVTA - GALVmed Regional Conference on the role of veterinary para-professionals in Africa : linking veterinary para-professionals and veterinarians. Pretoria, South Africa.
September 9th, 2015 : Wildlife Forum at the XIV World Forestry Congress (WFC),
Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW). Durban, South Africa
August 10 - 11th, 2015 : Fourth meeting of Deans of Schools and Faculties of Veterinary Medicine or Sciences in Eastern and Southern Africa. With the support of the OIE-SRR Eastern Africa. Nairobi, Kenya
July 27 - 29th, 2015 : Technical partners meeting of the AU African Animal Welfare Platform (APAW),
Naivasha, Kenya
July 14 - 15th, 2015 : Stakeholders forum of the Tanzania Livestock Modernization Initiative, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
June 9 - 11th, 2015 : Inaugural conference of the Pan-African Rabies Control Network (PARaCoN). Pretoria, South Africa
May 24 - 29th, 2015 : 83nd General Session of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Paris, France.
April 21 - 23th, 2015 : FAO - OIE Inter-Regional Conference on "Rift Valley Fever : new options for trade, prevention and control". Hotel Sheraton. Djibouti, Djibouti.
March 30 - April 2nd, 2015 : FAO - OIE Global Conference on the control and eradication of peste des petits ruminants (PPR). Hotel Sofitel. Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire.
February 17 - 20th, 2015 : 21st Conference of the OIE Regional Commission for Africa. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Rabat, Morocco.
February 16th, 2015 : OIE Seminar "Development public–private partnerships to support Veterinary Services”, World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Rabat, Morocco.
January 20 - 22nd, 2015 : 3rd OIE Global Conference on Aquatic Animal Health : riding the wave to the future. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Hotel Sheraton, Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam.
December 15 - 17th, 2014 : Joint FAO – Switzerland second Pan-african Codex Alimentarius capacity-building workshop (in collaboration with CCAFRICA). Codex Alimentarius Commission, Kampala, Uganda.
November 6 - 7th, 2014 : Validation workshop on the Regional Framework for the Progressive Control of PPR and other small ruminant diseases in the IGAD Region. ICPALD, Mombasa, Kenya
November 3rd, 2014 : Second meeting of the Guiding Group for the formulation of the Livestock Development Strategy for Africa (LiDeSA). AU-IBAR, Nairobi, Kenya.
September 22 – 24th, 2014 : 6th International Coordinating Group (ICG) of the World Health Organisation (WHO) / Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) funded project on elimination of human and animal rabies. Durban, South Africa
September 16 – 19th, 2014 : 39th Congress of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA). Cape Town, South Africa
September 9 – 10th, 2014 : Joint EDES (COLEACP), OIE and Kenya DVS training course on “post marketing surveillance of veterinary medicinal products (VMP)”. Nairobi, Kenya.
August 18 – 22nd, 2014 : WHO Advisory Group on the Integrated Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance (AGISAR) / Global Foodborne Infections Network (GFN) Workshop on Integrated Surveillance of Foodborne Diseases and Antimicrobial Resistance. KEMRI, Nairobi, Kenya
June 18 - 20th, 2014 : Inaugural African Small Companion Animal Network (AFSCAN) Board and Ambassadors' meeting, Nairobi, Kenya.
May 25 - 30th, 2014 : 82nd General Session of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Paris, France.
April 14 - 18th, 2014 : OIE PVS Pathway Refresher Course on PVS Evaluations and PVS Gap Analysis. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Paris, France.
April 2 - 5th, 2014 : 16th International Conference of Infectious Diseases (ICID-16), Cape Town, South Africa.
March 24th, 2014 : Joint EDES (COLEACP), OIE and Kenya DVS training course on “Development of diagnostic capacity in aquatic diseases”. Held at KEPHIS, Muguga, Kenya.
February 24th, 2014 : FAO - ILRI Food Safety Conference : new initiatives on food safety in the region. ILRI Campus, Kabete, Nairobi, Kenya.
February 17 - 20th, 2014 : Inception of the "Improving Animal Disease Surveillance in Support of Trade in IGAD Member States" (or Surveillance of Trade-Sensitive Diseases, STSD) project in Djibouti. Sheraton Hotel, Djibouti City, Djibouti.
February 7th, 2014 : First meeting of the Guiding Group for the formulation of the Livestock Development Strategy for Africa (LiDeSA). AU-IBAR, Nairobi, Kenya.
January 20 - 21st, 2014 : Inception of the Regional FAO/TCP Emergency assistance for surveillance of influenza A (H7N9) virus in poultry and other animal populations in low
to moderate risk countries in Africa (TCP/RAF/3408 E). Jacaranda Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya.
December 4 – 6th, 2013 : Third OIE Global Conference on Veterinary Education, including the role of Veterinary Statutory Bodies (VSBs). Foz do Iguaço, Brazil
November 18 - 22nd, 2013 : 2013 Havemeyer Workshop on Infectious Diseases of the Working Horse & Donkey. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
September 2 - 3rd, 2013 : First International Conference of the Pan-African Animal Welfare Alliance (PAAWA). Karen, Nairobi, Kenya
August 26 - 29th, 2013 : AITVM 2013 International Conference "The livestock-human-wildlife interface - Challenges in Animal Health and Production in urban/peri-urban and extensive farming/conservation systems". University of Pretoria (UP) and Antwerp Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITMA), Johannesburg, South Africa
June 25 - 27th, 2013 : OIE Regional training seminar for OIE focal points for animal disease notifications (WAHIS) in Africa. OIE-SRR Eastern Africa. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Karen, Nairobi, Kenya
June 11 - 13th, 2013 : 1st Forum on "Public Health Surveillance and Response in island territories - Surveillance, Investigation and Vector Control strategies". Indian Ocean Commission (IOC), St Denis, La Réunion island.
June 3 - 4th, 2013 : Conference "Livestock Disease Policies: Building Bridges between Animal Sciences and Economics". Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris, France.
May 26 - 31st, 2013 : 81st General Session of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Paris, France.
May 21 - 23rd, 2013 : COMESA SPS, “Green Pass” and Trade Facilitation Workshop. COMESA Secretariat and STDF (WTO), Nairobi, Kenya.
April 29 – 30th, 2013 : Second meeting of the Global PPR Research Alliance (GPRA) in Nairobi, Kenya.
April 25 – 26th, 2013 : 47th Annual Conference of the Kenya Veterinary Association (KVA)
in Mombasa, Kenya.
February 18 - 22nd, 2013. 20th Conference of the OIE Regional Commission for Africa. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Hotel Sarakawa, Lomé, Togo.
February 11 - 12th, 2013. Launch of the OIE project on “Vaccine Standards and Pilot Approach to Peste des Petits Ruminants Control in Africa”. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Africain Union Commission and World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). African Union Headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
December 10 - 14th, 2012. Joint EDES (COLEACP) and OIE Training on the Organisation of Official Controls in the Food Safety System (for OIE animal production food safety focal points) Lansmore Hotel, Gaborone, Botswana
December 5 - 7th, 2012. AU-IBAR workshop on the role of the public and private sector in livestock delivery services in Africa. Naivasha, Kenya.
November 27 - 30th, 2012 : AU-IBAR / PAN-SPSO Regional workshop (French speaking African member countries) on the SPS Agreement (Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary conditions for international trade), in collaboration with Codex Alimentarius Commission, IPPC and OIE. Dakar, Senegal.
November 13 - 15th, 2012 : FAO - OIE Regional seminar on "Rift Valley Fever : challenges, prevention and control". Mombasa, Kenya.
September 24 - 27, 2012 : WTO Regional workshop (English speaking African member countries) on the SPS Agreement (Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary conditions for international trade). WTO in collaboration with Codex Alimentarius Commission, IPPC and OIE. Radisson Blu Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
August 1 - 3rd, 2012 : 11th Annual Congress of the Southern African Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine. Farm Inn Hotel, Pretoria, South Africa.
June 27 - 29th, 2012 : Second FAO - OIE Global Conference on Foot-and-Mouth Disease. Hotel Athenée Plaza, Bangkok, Thailand.
May 20 - 25th, 2012 : 80th General Session of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Paris, France.
April 16 - 20th, 2012 : First applied course on the OIE Performance of Veterinary Services (PVS) tool for national and province-employed official veterinarians in the People's Republic of China.
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Beijing, P. R. China.
November 29 - December 2nd, 2011 : OIE Regional training seminar on notification of wildlife diseases for OIE focal points for wildlife in Africa (French-speaking). OIE-SRR Southern Africa. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Gaborone, Botswana.
October 31 - November 2nd, 2011 : OIE Sub-Regional training seminar on veterinary legislation for OIE focal points in Southern Africa. OIE-SRR Southern Africa. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Gaborone, Botswana.
October 17th, 2011. Workshop on the coordination of SPS issues at national and regional level (G/SPS/GEN/1067). World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva, Switzerland.
October 15th, 2011. Be-troplive and VSF - Belgium Symposium " VET2011 - Veterinary Medicine in the Tropics ". Amphi D, Faculté Vétérinaire/Veterinary Faculty, Sart Tilman, Université de Liège, Belgium.
October 10 - 14th, 2011 : World Veterinary Congress. Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC). World Veterinary Association, Cape Town, South Africa.
September 20 - 23rd, 2011 : OIE Sub-Regional training seminar on diseases of finfish for OIE focal points for aquatic animal diseases in Southern Africa. OIE-SRR Southern Africa. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) & Department of Ichtyology and Fisheries Science (DIFS), Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa.
June 28 - 30th, 2011 : 2nd OIE Global Conference on Aquatic Animal Health Programmes : their benefits for global food security. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Hotel El Panama, Panama City, Panama.
June 6 - 8th, 2011 : SADC (FANR) Cross-boder harmonisation meeting on the prevention and control of PPR in the region (Angola, DRC, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Tanzania), SADC TADs Project, Hotel Protea, Chingola, Zambia
April 14 - 15th, 2011 : OIE Regional training seminar for Presidents of Veterinary Statutory Bodies in Africa. OIE-RR Africa. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Hotel de l'Amitié (Laico), Bamako, Mali.
April 4 - 6th, 2011 : OIE Regional training seminar for OIE focal points for Animal Production Food Safety in Africa. OIE-SRR Northern Africa. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Hammamet, Tunisia.
March 14 - 18th, 2011. Joint FAO - OIE meeting on the "progressive control pathway" (PCP)
for foot-and-mouth disease (FMD). RAHC, Gaborone, Botswana
February 23 - 25th, 2011. First OIE Global Conference on Wildlife Animal Health and Biodiversity : preparing for the future. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Maison de la Chimie, Paris, France
February 14 - 18th, 2011. 19th Conference of the OIE Regional Commission for Africa. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Hotel Serena, Kigali, Rwanda
December 7 - 9th, 2010 : First OIE Global Conference on Veterinary Legislation. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Hotel Yadis Djerba, Djerba, Tunisia
November 23 - 26th, 2010 : OIE Regional training seminar for OIE focal points for Veterinary Products in Africa. OIE-SRR Southern Africa. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Emperors Palace, Kempton Park, Johannesburg, South Africa.
October 22nd, 2010 : 18th Annual Conference of the Flemish Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, KATHO Roeselare, Belgium.
August 31 - September 3rd, 2010 : "Joint training course on WAHIS and WAHID implementation for OIE focal points on aquatic animal diseases (basic) and on animal disease notification (advanced)” . World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) in collaboration with RAHC-SA, Gaborone, Botswana .
August 18 - 20th, 2010 : 9th Annual Congress of the Southern African Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine. Farm Inn Hotel, Pretoria, South Africa.
July 19 - 23rd, 2010 : First meeting of Deans of Schools and Faculties of Veterinary Medicine or Sciences in Eastern and Southern Africa. With the support of the OIE-SRR Southern Africa. University of Pretoria Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Onderstepoort, Pretoria, South Africa.
July 5 - 9th, 2010 : OIE Regional training seminar for OIE focal points for wildlife in (French-speaking) Africa. OIE-RR Africa. Sotuba, Bamako, Mali.
June 15 - 19th, 2010 : OIE Regional training seminar for OIE focal points for aquatic animal diseases in Africa. OIE-SRR Southern Africa. Swakopmund Hotel, Swakopmund, Namibia.
May 25 - 29th, 2010 : 78th General Session of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Paris, France.
April 29 - 30th, 2010 : Launch of the USAID - funded "Emerging Pandemic Threats" (EPT) programme in Africa. Hotel Venus, Kinshasa, Congo (Democratic Republic of).
March 16 - 19th, 2010 : OIE Regional training seminar for OIE focal points for wildlife in (English-speaking) Africa and the Middle East. OIE-SRR Southern Africa. Naura Springs Hotel, Arusha, Tanzania.
March 9 - 12th, 2010 : OIE Regional information seminar for newly appointed OIE Delegates in Africa. OIE-SRR/Regional Animal Health Centre for Southern Africa. Gaborone, Botswana.
February 16 - 17th, 2010 : USAID - WHO-AFRO meeting on the "Emerging Pandemic Threats" (EPT) programme in Africa. WHO-AFRO, Brazzaville, Congo (Republic of).
October 12 - 14th, 2009 : OIE Global Conference on "Evolving Veterinary Education for a Safer World". Maison de la Chimie, Paris, France.
September 29 - 30th, 2009 : Regional HPAI simulation exercise, in collaboration with SADC, FAO-ECTAD and the Government of Zambia. Chibombo, Zambia.
September 22 - 23rd, 2009 : OIE Regional Seminar on "Communication for Veterinary Services" (English-speaking African countries). Gaborone Sun Hotel, Gaborone, Botswana.
September 2 - 4th, 2009 : OIE Sub-regional Seminar on "Veterinary Education in Southern Africa : matching supply and demand". Deans of veterinary schools and faculties and presidents and registrars of veterinary councils in the SADC region. Naura Springs Hotel, Arusha, Tanzania.
August 10 - 14th, 2009 : 12th International symposium on "Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics" ISVEE’XII, Durban International Convention Center, Durban, South Africa.
June 24 - 26th, 2009 : FAO - OIE Global Conference on "Foot-and-Mouth Disease : the way towards global control", in collaboration with the EC. Hotel Resort and Casino Yacht and Golf Club Paraguayo, Asuncion, Paraguay.
June 8 - 11th, 2009 : Joint WTO - OIE training seminar (English-speaking countries of the SADC region) on the SPS Agreement, followed by an OIE seminar on "Importation of animal products : threat or opportunity ? ". WTO, in collaboration with the Codex Alimentarius Commission, IPPC and OIE. Maseru Sun Hotel, Maseru, Lesotho.
May 25 - 29th, 2009 : 77th General Session of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Paris, France.
April 21 - 24th, 2009 : "Joint training course on WAHIS and WAHID implementation for OIE focal points on aquatic animal diseases (basic) and on animal disease notification (advanced)”. OIE in collaboration with CTTBD, Lilongwe, Malawi.
March 16 - 18th, 2009 : First applied epidemiology course for State-employed official veterinarians in Brazil. PANAFTOSA (PAHO, WHO) and MAPA (Ministério de Agricultura, Pecuaria e Abastecimento). PAHO Center for Training and Emergencies Management, Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil.
February 22 - 26th, 2009 : 18th Conference of the OIE Regional Commission for Africa. Hotel Kempinsky, N'Djamena, Chad.
February 16 - 18th, 2009 : OIE Regional seminar on "Re-emergence of Rift Valley Fever in Southern Africa : how to better predict and respond". Hotel Protea Landmark Lodge, Bloemfontein (FS), South Africa.
November 18 - 20th, 2008 : CIRAD Regional Seminar on Animal Epidemiology and Emerging Diseases in the Indian Ocean region, with special reference to Rift Valley Fever in eastern and southern Africa and the Indian Ocean region. Hotel Sakouli, Bandrélé, Mayotte.
October 24 - 26th, 2008 : 6th International Ministerial Conference on Avian and Pandemic Influenza. Maritim International Convention Center, Sharm-el-Sheick, Egypt.
October 20 - 22nd, 2008 : 2nd OIE Global Conference on Animal Welfare. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)Cairo, Egypt.
July 9 - 10th, 2008 : 3rd Joint Technical Committee meeting of the SADC HPAI and Pandemic Human Influenza Preparedness and Response Plan (SADC in collaboration with World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Lusaka, Zambia.
June 10 - 12th, 2008 : OIE Regional seminar on "OIE international standards, a lever for growth in the fisheries and aquaculture sector in Southern Africa". World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) Hotel Pestana-Rovuma, Maputo, Mozambique.
May 25 - 30th, 2008 : 76th General Session of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Paris, France.
April 22 - 24th, 2008 : FAO workshop on the development of an aquatic biosecurity framework for Southern Africa. Sunbird Hotel, Lilongwe, Malawi.
March 26 - 28th, 2008 : OIE Conference on Veterinary Drugs in Africa : "towards harmonisation and improvement of registration and quality control". World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)Hotel Méridien-Président, Dakar, Senegal.
March 11 - 13th, 2008 : Inception workshop of the SPINAP - AHI programme (Support Programme to Integrated National Action Plans on Animal and Human Influenza) in Southern Africa. African Union (IBAR). Big 5 Lodge, Mogoditshane, Gaborone, Botswana.
March 6 - 7th, 2008 : First 2008 coordination meeting of the Animal and Human (pandemic) Influenza Partners platform for Southern Africa (AHIPSA), coordinated by OCHA and facilitated by USAID. Birchwood Hotel, Johannesburg, South Africa.
January 16 - 18th, 2008 : OIE Regional seminar on 'Good Governance for Veterinary Services' (OIE and Government of Botswana), World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)National Veterinary Laboratory, Sebele, Gaborone, Botswana.
December 10 - 12th, 2007 : WTO Regional workshop (English speaking COMESA member countries) on the SPS Agreement (Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary conditions for international trade). WTO in collaboration with Codex Alimentarius Commission, IPPC and World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Taj Pamodzi Hotel, Lusaka, Zambia.
September 26 - 28th, 2007 : Second Joint Technical Committee meeting of the SADC HPAI and Pandemic Human Influenza Preparedness and Response Plan (SADC in collaboration with FAO), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
September 24 - 26th, 2007 : SADC (FANR) Regional workshop on CBPP control (SADC in collaboration with PRINT-Livestock and CIRAD), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
May 21 - 26th, 2007 : 75th General Session of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Paris, France.
December 6 - 8th, 2006 : 4th International Ministerial Avian influenza Conference (Mali Government / African Union) Bamako, Mali.
June 27 - 30th, 2006 : 6th Annual Coordination Meeting of the Panafrican programme for the Control of Epizootics (PACE), African Union / IBAR, Mombasa, Kenya.
May 21 - 26th, 2006 : 74th General Session of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Paris, France.
May 18 - 19th, 2006 : AEEMA Scientific Days "Risque et Prévention de la Grippe Aviaire" [Risk and Prevention of Avian Influenza]. Liège Veterinary Faculty, Liège, Belgium.
March 16 - 17th, 2006 : ECOWAS Group of Experts Meeting on the "Sub-regional Mechanism for Coordination of the Prevention and Response against Avian Influenza". Hotel Nord-Sud, Bamako, Mali.
January 20 - 23rd, 2006 : Inception workshop FAO/TCP/RAF/3016 : Emergency assistance for early detection and prevention of avian influenza in West Africa. Grand Hotel, Bamako, Mali.
October 31 - November 4th, 2005 : 7th AU Conference of Ministers responsible for Animal Resources. African Union / IBAR, Kigali, Rwanda.
June 29 - July 1st, 2005 : 5th Annual Coordination Meeting of the Panafrican programme for the Control of Epizootics (PACE), African Union / IBAR, Dakar, Senegal.
February 22 - 25th, 2005 : Regional workshop on : "Le contrôle de qualité des médicaments vétérinaires en Afrique subsaharienne" [Quality-control of veterinary drugs in subsaharan Africa] Ministère de l'Elevage et le la Pêche in collaboration with World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), PACE and UEMOA. Palais des Congrès, Bamako, Mali.
November 8 - 12th, 2004 : Régional workshop on Animal Agriculture in West and Central Africa and its contribution to livelihoods, poverty alleviation, food security and environmental sustainability - Achievements in the past 25 years, challenges ahead and the way forward. International Trypanotolerance Centre (ITC), co-sponsoring with the Centre International de Recherche-Developpement sur l’Elevage en zone Subhumide (CIRDES) and CTA (Netherlands), Banjul, The Gambia.
August 22 - 25th, 2004 : Regional workshop on the optimisation of epidemio-surveillance networks through the use of performance indicators. AU-IBAR/PACE, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dakar, Senegal.
June 22 - 25th, 2004 : 4th Annual Coordination Meeting of the Panafrican programme for the Control of Epizootics (PACE), African Union / IBAR, Yaounde International Conference Centre, Yaounde, Cameroon.
February 25 - 27th , 2004 : PACE technical regional workshop on CBPP control in collaboration with FAO, CIRAD-EMVT and AU/IBAR-PACE, Hotel Marriador Palace - Méridien, Conakry, Guinea.
January 20 - 22nd, 2004 : Regional workshop on Rift Valley Fever control strategies and early warning systems in Mali, Senegal, Mauritania, The Gambia and Chad in collaboration with World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), FAO, CIRAD, IRD, Institut Pasteur, EISMV and AU/IBAR-PACE, Hotel Savana, Dakar, Senegal.
November 7 - 8th , 2003 : Technical workshop on streamlining epidemio-surveillance policies in PACE member countries in collaboration with PACE-PEU and GTZ. Hotel Mandé, Bamako, Mali.
October 21 - 22nd, 2003 : Cross-border meeting veterinary services Mauritania, Senegal and Mali in collaboration with World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and AU/IBAR-PACE, Hotel de la Poste, Saint Louis du Sénégal, Senegal.
September 29 – October 3rd, 2003 : 27th meeting of the International Scientific Council on Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC ), George Bou Conference Center, Pretoria, South Africa.
June 23 - 28th, 2003 : 3rd Annual Coordination Meeting of the Panafrican programme for the Control of Epizootics (PACE), African Union / IBAR in collaboration with PACE and GTZ-IS / SATEC , Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC), Arusha, Tanzania.
May 13th, 2002 : National seminar "Combate das exportações ilícitas de mamíferos, pássaros e tartarugas ameaçadas e protegidas”, Direcção da Pecuária in collaboration with ECOFAC , Centro Cultural Português, São Tomé, São Tomé and Príncipe.
May 11 – 15th, 1998 : Regional seminar "VIII ièmes Journées Scientifiques" , Université du Bénin, Lomé, Togo.
March 9 – 18th, 1998 : Second World Meeting on Salivarian Trypanosomes by Internet (SWMST).
September 28 – October 3rd, 1997 : 24th meeting of the International Scientific Council on Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC ), Maputo, Mozambique.
July 8 - 11th, 1997 : 8th International symposium on "Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics" ISVEE’97, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France.
May 20 - 21st, 1997 : National seminar "Iières Jounées Togolaises de Parasitologie" , Université du Bénin, Lomé, Togo.
May 20 - 24th, 1996 : Regional seminar "VIIiemes Jounées Scientifiques" , Université du Bénin, Lomé, Togo.
May 5 - 6th, 1994 : National seminar "Animal husbandry in the year 2000", Ministry of agriculture in collaboration with the Delegation of the European Union, Suriname.
December 11 - 13th, 1991 : International colloquium "Trypanosomiasis seminar", Institute of Tropical Medecine (ITM, Antwerp) Belgium.