February 1996 - July 1999 : Animal health and production officer

FAO national and regional African animal trypanosomosis control projects.
Sokodé, Togo

Position : Associate professional officer (1997) Animal health and production officer in charge of the Togo-programme (1999).


  • Design of a national animal trypanosomosis control programme for Togo;

    Implementation of a national animal trypanosomosis control programme for Togo;

    Protozoology (Trypanosoma) and entomology (Glossina);

    Design of a rapid appraisal system for bovine trypanosomosis based on epidemiological modelling and geographical information systems [GIS] ;

    Agro-veterinary cartography and GIS applications;

    Organisation and monitoring of vector control operations in priority areas (involving livebait-technology);

    Animal production & health statistics and cattle census;

    Zootechnical studies (trypanotolerant breeds);

    Socio-economic studies (acceptability of control methods, herd management, cost-recovery, marketing, profitability of private veterinary practice);

    Studies of trypanosomosis in small ruminants;

    Extension approach and training of extension workers;

    Active support and promotion of private rural veterinary practice.

Supporting agencies Donor agencies

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
Rome, Italy.

Directorate General for Development Cooperation,
Brussels, Belgium

More information

February 1996 – June 1997

FAO project GCP/TOG/013-BEL (Belgian funding)

"Lutte contre la trypanosomose animale en vue de développement agro-pastoral des zones libérées de l’onchocercose au Togo" [Project for animal trypanosomosis control towards agro-pastoral development in the onchocercosis-cleared areas in Togo], Sokodé, Togo.

July 1997 - July 1999

FAO project GCP/RAF/347-BEL (Belgian funding)

“Projet Régional de lutte contre la trypanosomose animale” [Regional animal trypanosomosis control project], Sokodé, Togo and Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.

Image Gallery : Togo