FAO national and regional African animal trypanosomosis control projects.
Sokodé, Togo
Position : Associate professional officer (1997) Animal health and production officer in charge of the Togo-programme (1999).
Design of a national animal trypanosomosis control programme for Togo;
Implementation of a national animal trypanosomosis control programme for Togo;
Protozoology (Trypanosoma) and entomology (Glossina);
Design of a rapid appraisal system for bovine trypanosomosis based on epidemiological modelling and geographical information systems [GIS] ;
Agro-veterinary cartography and GIS applications;
Organisation and monitoring of vector control operations in priority areas (involving livebait-technology);
Animal production & health statistics and cattle census;
Zootechnical studies (trypanotolerant breeds);
Socio-economic studies (acceptability of control methods, herd management, cost-recovery, marketing, profitability of private veterinary practice);
Studies of trypanosomosis in small ruminants;
Extension approach and training of extension workers;
Active support and promotion of private rural veterinary practice.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
Rome, Italy.
Directorate General for Development Cooperation,
Brussels, Belgium
FAO project GCP/TOG/013-BEL (Belgian funding)
"Lutte contre la trypanosomose animale en vue de développement agro-pastoral des zones libérées de l’onchocercose au Togo" [Project for animal trypanosomosis control towards agro-pastoral development in the onchocercosis-cleared areas in Togo], Sokodé, Togo.
FAO project GCP/RAF/347-BEL (Belgian funding)
“Projet Régional de lutte contre la trypanosomose animale” [Regional animal trypanosomosis control project], Sokodé, Togo and Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.