São Tome & Principe

August 1999 - March 2003 : Technical advisor to the epidemio-vigilance unit (UVE)

African Development Bank (ADB) project F/STP/DEV-ELV/96/14

“Projecto de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento da Pecuaria” ( P.A.D.P.)
[Support project towards animal husbandry development],
São Tomé, República Democrática de São Tomé e Príncipe

Position : Technical advisor to the epidemio-surveillance unit (UVE) of the PADP in São Tomé.


  • Institutional support to the animal husbandry directorate of the Ministry;

    Support to the land reform act in terms of animal production;

    Knowledge/technology transfer to national counterparts;

    Enzootic diseases monitoring (brucellosis, tuberculosis,...);

    Epizootic surveillance and transboundary animal diseases prevention with special reference to the monitoring of the suid population and prevention of African swine fever (ASF);

    Strengthening of sanitary police measures and quarantine;

    Development of national zoosanitary legislation;

    Vaccination campaigns of village poultry (Newcastle disease);

    Control of stray dog populations in the capital;

    Rehabilitation and equipment of national veterinary diagnostic laboratory facilities;

    Rehabilitation and equipment of national slaughterhouse facilities;

    Rehabilitation and equipment of decentralised veterinary services;

    Training of laboratory personnel, animal health assistants and animal health and production extension personnel;

    Active support to smallholders (post – land reform) in terms of inputs, extension services and micro-credit.

Supporting agencies Donor agencies

Brussels, Belgium.

African Development Bank,
Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire

More information


The African Development Bank (AfDB) grant for the Livestock Development Support Project (Projecto de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento da Pecuaria, PADP) aimed primarily at helping small-scale agro-pastoralists who had benefited from agricultural land as a result of the land reform of the early 1990s. On the other hand, the Project aimed to help to secure the country against transboundary epizootics, more particularly African swine fever (ASF) through the establishment of a epidemio-surveillance system and the strengthening of the centralised and decentralised structures of the livestock services. The national implementation team of the Project, which started working in March 1998 was later strengthened by two international experts.




The loan agreement for Project F/STP/DEV-ELV/96/14 signed on 28 April 1997 by the African Development Bank (AfDB) as a donor and the Democratic Republic of S. Tomé as a beneficiary country, provided for a contribution of USD 3,857,037 (or 89.7% of the total cost of the Project) over 5 years on behalf of the AfDB .

The broader sectoral objective of the Project was to satisfy the national demand for animal products, by improving the productivity of pig, goat, sheep and cattle farms by at least 30%. This had to be achieved through a substantial reduction of animal mortality and an increase in the birth rate.


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