Conference presentations and posters

international conferences              Go to : national and regional conferences

(in reverse chronological order)


17. Bastiaensen P., Donachie D., Wimmers M., Wakhusama S., Hamilton K. (2023) Fortifying institutional resilience against biological threats (FIRABioT) project. Poster at the Global Conference on Emergency Management : Tackling shared threats for a safer world. World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH). April 2023, Paris, France. Abstract

16. Fèvre S., Sherman D., Motta P., Lyons N., Sumption K., Bastiaensen P. (2020) "Empowering veterinary paraprofessionals in Africa for better control of TADs ". Presentation at the EuFMD Special Edition Open Session 2020. December 2020, FAO, Rome, Italy. Abstract

15. Bastiaensen P. (2020) "Is African swine fever returning to Africa ? A back-of-the-envelope analysis of 15 years of WAHIS data". ePoster at the EuFMD Special Edition Open Session 2020. December 2020, FAO, Rome, Italy. Abstract

14. Bastiaensen P., Lasley J., Prenat R. & Brand T. (2017) "Laboratory infrastructure and biological security challenges, from an African perspective". Presentation at the 2nd OIE Global Conference on Biological Threat Reduction "Enhancing Health and Security for All”. October - November 2017, Ottawa, Canada. Abstract

13. Bastiaensen P., Rhissa Z., Amang Avong M., Moerane R., Ponella-Mlelwa Theresa, Asfaw W., Bouguedour R. & Masiga W.N. (2013) "Veterinary statutory bodies in Africa". Presentation at the 3rd OIE Global Conference on Veterinary Education and the Role of the Veterinary Statutory Body “Ensuring excellence and ethics of the veterinary profession”. December 2013, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. Abstract

12. Petrini A. & Bastiaensen P. (2013) "One health: coinvolgimento e attività dell'Organizzazione
Mondiale della Sanità Animale (OIE)". Presentation at Convegno “Il contributo della Sanità Pubblica Veterinaria alla Medicina Unica” Istituto Superiore di Sanita. Dip. Sanità Pubblica Veterinaria e Sicurezza. Roma, Italia. 11 Ottobre 2013. Presentation

11. Bastiaensen P., Martinez Marta, Dehove A. & Bourzat D. (2013) "Global elimination of rabies in humans : actions at the animal reservoir". Presentation at the 14th Conference of the Association of Institutions for Tropical Veterinary Medicine (AITVM), August 2013, Johannesburg, South Africa. Abstract

10. Bastiaensen P., Chardonnet B. & Bourzat D. (2013) "Reconciling international trade imperatives with novel wildlife conservation approaches". Presentation at the 14th Conference of the Association of Institutions for Tropical Veterinary Medicine (AITVM), August 2013, Johannesburg, South Africa. Abstract

9. Bastiaensen P. (2013) "L'initiative ‘One Health" Key note address at the 1st Forum on "Public Health Surveillance and Response in island territories - Surveillance, Investigation and Vector Control strategies". Indian Ocean Commission (IOC), St Denis, La Réunion island.

8. Mulumba M., Bastiaensen P., Hulman B., Matlho G.O. & Thomson G. (2012) "Virus pool 6 - Southern Africa". Presentation at the 2nd FAO - OIE Global Conference on foot-and-mouth disease control, June 2012, Bangkok, Thailand.

7. Swan G. E., Bila C., Hove Thokozani, Munene J., Muyumba M., Mweene A. S., Rasambainarivo J. H. , Wambura P. & Bastiaensen P. (2011) " Working towards an association of veterinary education establishments in southern and eastern Africa " at the 30th World Veterinary Congress , October 2011, Cape Town, South Africa. Abstract

6. Mapitse N.J., Bastiaensen P. , Erlacher-Vindel Elisabeth, Knopf Lea, Bengis R., Mtei B. J., Ben Jebara K. & Vallat B. (2011) " OIE standards on integrated livestock and wildlife health : does the hand fit the glove ? " at the 30th World Veterinary Congress , October 2011, Cape Town, South Africa. Abstract

5. Kouagou N'T., Bastiaensen P. , Napala A., Dao B. & Hendrickx G. (2000) " La lutte contre les trypanosomoses animaies et les vétérinaires privés au Togo. " at the ICPTV Workshop on Socio-economic impact assessment and policy analysis of the disease and its management , September 2000, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. Download

4. Napala A., Kouagou N'T., Dao B., Bastiaensen P. , Slingenbergh J.H.W. & Hendrickx G. (1999) " Amélioration de la prévalence de la trypanosomose et de la santé bovine à travers la vulgarisation et la participation communautaire à l'échelle nationale: résultats d'une campagne de vulgarisation au Togo" . at the 25th meeting of the International Scientific Council on Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC), Mombasa, Kenya.

3. Hendrickx G., Napala A., Rogers D.J., Bastiaensen P. & Slingenbergh J.H.W. (1998) " Can remotely sensed NOAA and METEOSAT derived data significantly contribute to reduce costs of tsetse surveys ? " at the Second World Meeting on Salivarian Trypanosomes by Internet (SWMST) Download

2. Hendrickx G., Slingenbergh J.H.W., Dao B., Bastiaensen P. & Napala A. (1997) “ Geographic Information Systems, powerful tools in decision making .” at the 24th meeting of the International Scientific Council on Trypanosomiasis Research and Control ( ISCTRC ), Maputo, Mozambique.

1. Bastiaensen P. , Kouagou N'T., Napala A. & Hendrickx G. (1997) “ Can the private sector handle tsetse control? Experiences from Togo “ at the 24th meeting of the International Scientific Council on Trypanosomiasis Research and Control ( ISCTRC ), Maputo, Mozambique.

national and regional conferences                Go to : international conferences


(in reverse chronological order)


28. Bastiaensen P. and Varga G. (2021) "Salient results of a continental survey looking into the current state and future of small companion animal practice in Africa". Oral presentation and facilitation of a panel discussion at the first Africa Small Companion Animal Congress of the Africa Small Companion Animal Network (AFSCAN) WSAVA (virtual). 29 June 2021.

27. Bastiaensen P. (2021) “Implementing an evaluation of Veterinary Services in accordance with OIE quality standards : methodology and key points”. Presentation at the Summer School of ENSV and FVI on “Quality of Veterinary Services”. Lyon, France (virtual). 29 June 2021.

26. Bastiaensen P. (2021) "Animal health measures applicable before and at departure, during transit from the place of departure in the exporting country to the place of arrival in the importing country". Presentation at the FAO - OIE Regional RVF meeting "Rift Valley Fever In Eastern Africa: Linking Technology And Standards To Safeguard Trade And Livelihoods". Nairobi, Kenya (virtual), 21-22 April 2021.

25. Stratton J. & Bastiaensen P. (2019) "Evolution of the OIE PVS Pathway: perspectives for the Africa region". Oral presentation at the 23rd Conference of the OIE Regional Commission for Africa, Hammamet, Tunisia. 25 February – 1 March 2019.

24. Bastiaensen P. (2017) "Uptake of OIE PVS Pathway mission recommendations by a selection of African countries to date". Presentation at the 22nd Conference of the OIE Regional Commission for Africa, Swakopmund, Namibia. 20 - 24 February 2017.

23. Bastiaensen P. & Masiga W. (2016) "One Health in combating (re)emerging diseases - OIE's contribution". Presentation at the 30th Annual Conference of the Ethiopian Veterinary Association (EVA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 2 - 3 September 2016.

22. Bastiaensen P., Abernethy D. & Etter E. (2016) "Risk analysis in animal health : threat or opportunity for Africa ? ". Presentation at the 14th Annual Congress of the Southern African Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine (SASVEPM), Cape Town, South Africa. 22 - 24 August 2016. Abstract

21. Bastiaensen P. (2015) "The legal framework for veterinary services". Presentation at the 29th Annual Conference of the Ethiopian Veterinary Association (EVA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 4 - 5 September 2015.

20. Squarzoni Diaw C., Fall C.S., Denormandie N., Kabore Y., Bastiaensen P. & Conforti J. (2014) "Exercices de simulation sur la GAHP : formations en épidémiologie opérationnelle et décisionnelle" [HPAI Simulation exercices : training in operational and decisional epidemiology]. 29th Scientific Days EPITER, Rennes, France. April 10 - 11th, 2014.

19. Mapitse N., Glynn Kate, Dehove A., Masiga W. & Bastiaensen P. (2013) "Promoting One Health: the international perspective – OIE"; at the One Health Central and Eastern Africa (OHCEA) International One Health Conference. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. September 23 – 25, 2013. Abstract

18. Bastiaensen P., Varas Mariela, Mapitse N. & Masiga W. (2013) "OIE animal welfare standards - Rationale and spaces for animal welfare organisation engagement"; at the first Conference of the Pan-African Animal Welfare Alliance (PAAWA). Nairobi, Kenya. September 2 - 3, 2013. Abstract

17. Bastiaensen , P. & Masiga W. (2013) "Control of foot-and-mouth disease : new international initiatives" Paper presented at the 47th Annual Scientific Conference of the Kenya Veterinary Association (KVA), Mombasa, Kenya.

16. Bastiaensen P. & Mapitse N. (2012) "Infrastructure, systems and legislation necessary to prevent the spread of the disease through trade"; in : Proceedings of the FAO – OIE Inter-regional Conference on Rift Valley Fever in the Middle East and the Horn of Africa : challenges, prevention and control. Mombasa, Kenya, November 12 – 15, 2012.

15. Bastiaensen , P. , Planté, Caroline, Knopf, Lea, Njeumi, F. , Kock, R. , Mtei, B. & Vallat B. (2010) "Global Eradication of Rinderpest. The Final Act." Paper presented at the 18th Annual Conference of the Flemish Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (VEE), Roeselare, Belgium (October 22nd, 2010). Abstract

14. Mtei, B. J ., Bastiaensen , P. & Funes G. (2008) "Strengthening veterinary services as a means to tackle (re)emerging animal diseases in southern Africa." Paper presented at the 2008 Congress of the Southern Africa Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine (SASVEMP), Gauteng, South Africa (August 20 - 22nd, 2008).

13. Bastiaensen P. (2008) "Evaluation of Veterinary Services in OIE Member States : Experiences gathered ". In : Proceedings of the OIE Regional seminar on 'Good Governance for Veterinary Services'. Gaborone, Botswana (January 16-18th, 2008).

12. Squarzoni C., Planté C., Denormandie N., Seck B., Bastiaensen P. (2006) "Grippe aviaire en Afrique occidentale : leçons à tirer de la gestion des premiers foyers". Journées de l'Association pour le développement de l'Epidémiologie de Terrain (EPITER) [ Association for the development of Field Epidemiology, yearly one-day seminar ], Vichy, France (November 10-11th, 2006). Abstract

11. Squarzoni C., Bastiaensen P., Denormandie N., Planté C., Seck B., (2006) " Grippe aviaire en Afrique subsaharienne : un premier bilan ". Journées de l'Association pour l'Etude de l'Epidémiologie des Maladies Animales ( AEEMA ) [ Association for the Study of Animal Disease Epidemiology, AEEMA yearly seminar ], in collaboration with AESA, Sart-Tilman, Liège, Belgium (May 18-19th, 2006).

10. Squarzoni C., Bendali F., Denormandie N., Bastiaensen P. , Diop A.B. (2005) "Les réseaux d'épidémio-surveillance dans les pays d'Afrique de l'ouest : architecture et état des lieux de leur fonctionnement en 2004". Journées de l'Association pour l'Etude de l'Epidémiologie des Maladies Animales ( AEEMA ) [Association for the Study of Animal Disease Epidemiology, AEEMA yearly seminar ], Paris, France (May 19-20th 2005). Abstract

9. Batawui K., Dao B., Bastiaensen P. , Napala A., Hendrickx G. & De Deken R. (2002) “ Application de la technologie ELECTRODYN-TM (Zeneca) comme insecticide épicutané dans la lutte antivectorielle. Résultats des essais cliniques en milieu réel. ” at the 5th congress of the Societé Ouest-Africaine de Parasitologie (SOAP), Dakar, Sénégal.

8. Bastiaensen P.X.M., Barreto I., Maisa F., Pereira da Fonseca I., Bruno de Sousa C. & Afonso-Roque M (2004) "Séroprévalence de l'infection par Toxoplasma gondii chez des animaux d'embouche en République Démocratique de São Tomé et Principe" at the regional seminar " III-ièmes Journées Scienfiques Internationales de l'Université de Lomé ", October 2004, Lomé, Togo.

7. Afonso-Roque M., Bruno de Sousa C., Grácio M.A.A., Serrano F., Carrón A., Pérez-Martín J. E., Madeira de Carvalho L., Lucena S., Barreto I., Fernandes J., Maisa F., Bastiaensen P.X.M. (2002) “Zoonoses Parasitárias em S. Tomé e Príncipe” ; at the 4 th Congress of the Portuguese Society of Epidemiology and Public Veterinary Health [ SPEMVP ], November 2002, Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal.

6. Bastiaensen P. , Barreto I., Maisa F., Pereira da Fonseca I., Bruno de Sousa C., Afonso-Roque M. (2002) " Sero-Prevalência da Infecção por Toxoplasma Gondii em Animais Abatidos para Consumo Público na República Democrática de São Tomé e Príncipe " ; at the Congress of Veterinary Science, from October 10 - 12th, 2002, Tagus Park-Oeiras, Portugal. Abstract

5. Dao B., Hendrickx G., Napala A., Bastiaensen P., Batawui K. & Bradley D. (1998) ”Trypanosomose et trypanotolerance au Togo : etude de l'introgression Zebu .” at the regional seminar " VIII-ièmes Journées Scientifiques " , Université du Bénin, Lomé, Togo.

4. Bastiaensen P., Kouagou N., Hendrickx G., Dao B., Batawui K., Napala A. (1998) “ La prise en charge technique et financière d'une campagne de lutte antivectorielle par les bénéficiaires au Togo : défis et contraintes.” at the regional seminar " VIII-ièmes Journées Scientifiques" , Université du Bénin, Lomé, Togo.

3. Bastiaensen P., Batawui K., Dorny P., Kadjassi B.-T., Boukaya A., Hendrickx G. & Napala A. (1997) “ Résultats préliminaires de l'étude sur la pathologie parasitaire chez les petits ruminants en zone périurbaine de Sokodé. ” at the national symposium “ I-ières Journées de la Societé Togolaise de Parasitologie” , Université du Bénin, Lomé, Togo.

2. Bastiaensen P. (1996) “ Revue de la problématique parasitaire des ruminants au Suriname (Caraïbes). ” at the regional symposium “ VII-ièmes Journées Scientifiques de l'UB” , Université du Bénin, Lomé, Togo.

1. Bastiaensen P. (1994) “Preliminary results of AI of dairy cattle in the Commewijne district” at the regional symposium “ Veeteelt in het jaar 2000 (Animal Husbandry in the Year 2000) ”, Ministerie van LVV, Lelydorp, Suriname.



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