General interest articles

General interest articles, interviews, bulletins, blogs (in reverse chronological order)

10. Bastiaensen P., Wong V., Sherman D. & Dehove A. (2017) "OIE-supported achievements of the VETGOV Programme (2012–2017) Improving good governance in Veterinary Services delivery in Africa". OIE Bulletin 2017-3, 49 - 57.

9. Bastiaensen P. (2017) "House, MD... and DVM ?" . Bulletin OIE 2017-3, 96 - 104.

8. Kwoba N. Emmah (2017) "Assessment of the gaps between the new OIE standard on the welfare of working equids and common practices in Kenya" (P. Bastiaensen & L. Stuardo, eds). OIE Bulletin 2017-2, 122 - 128.

7. Bastiaensen P., Lasley J., Prenat R. & Brand T. (2017) "Veterinary Services in Africa and the accidental or intentional release of biological agents : time for a wake-up call ?" OIE Bulletin 2017-2, 73 - 81.

6. Bastiaensen P. (2017) "Harmonising veterinary legislation one region at a time, recent experiences of the OIE in Africa". OIE Bulletin 2017-2, 45 - 48.

5. FAO Animal Health Manual (2017) English : "Rift Valley fever surveillance" (Jeff Mariner). Animal Production and Health Division (Patrick Bastiaensen , peer-reviewer).

4. FAO EMPRES Watch Bulletin n° 31 (December 2014) in English : "Climate models predict persistent above-average rains and risk of flooding in East Africa: FAO, OIE and WHO warn countries to remain vigilant about Rift Valley fever" (Claudia Pittiglio, Caryl Lockharta, Julio Pinto, Susanne Münstermann, Patrick Bastiaensen , Pierre Formenty, Stephane de la Rocque, Assaf Anyamba, Jennifer Small, Kenneth J. Linthicum, Jean-Paul Chretien).

3. Dierenartsenwerld Magazine (2014) "Interview met Patrick Bastiaensen" European Veterinary Magazine (DAW) n° 144 (September 2014) in Dutch and French.

2. Bastiaensen P. & Diop B.A. (2005) "Eradicating rinderpest" Spore (CTA) n° 118 (August 2005).

1. Diop B.A. & Bastiaensen P. (2005) "Achieving full eradication of rinderpest in Africa" Vet.Rec. 157: 239-240.

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