Animal Disease Management Services

- year old Belgian veterinary surgeon with over 25 years of professional experience in animal health and production related to i nstitutional development and strengthening in developing countries.

Thorough academic background (DVM, Msc) in epidemiology, diagnosis and molecular biology of helminths and protozoa, in particular of domestic and wildlife ruminants.

Specialized in (inter)national livestock and animal health policies, capacity building, institutional reform and strengthening of veterinary services, liberalisation of the animal health sector, international trade agreements and regulations, (import) risk analysis, epidemio-surveillance programmes and endemic diseases monitoring of wildlife and livestock, veterinary public health and socio-economics of animal health.

Broad and pluridisciplinary experience, ranging from parasitology and entomology related fields, over herd health management and artificial insemination in dairy cattle, laboratory operation and slaughterhouse infrastructures to epizootic diseases control in livestock and wildlife and strengthening of (private and public) veterinary services in developing countries.

Active advocate of the One Health approach.

Strong affinity with monitoring and evaluation, as well as data-management (including GIS), applied information and communication technologies, extension and outreach policies. OIE-accredited expert for the evaluation of veterinary services according to the PVS methodology.

Geographic experience covers Caribbean and African countries mostly, familiar with project management procedures of United Nations (FAO), Belgian (BADC, VVOB) and French bilateral cooperation (MAEE/AFD, OIE), African Development Bank (AGRER) and European Commission (through the German bilateral cooperation (GTZ/GIZ).

Recognized as a fast, very efficient and diplomatic worker, skilled negotiator, team player, using a participatory and transparent management style.

Speaks several world languages fluently.


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Technical assistance in the field of animal health and production, 

Advisory services to national livestock and animal health (veterinary) services, 

Capacity-building for veterinary services, conference organisation & logistics and group dynamics,

Project/programme feasibility studies, 

Planning and budgeting, 


Programme management, 

Animal disease emergency management support,

Monitoring and evaluation, 

Socio-economic assessments, 

PVS assessments of veterinary services,

Scientific translation services

Dr. P. Bastiaensen, dvm, msc

Biography :

Born on  21.09.1965 in Leopoldville (Kinshasa) Congo, Belgian nationality. Permanent resident of the Republic of South Africa.


Image Gallery : Ghana